haikou ronchengbojun tower
Scope: Conceptual- Design development- CD review- Approvals process
Client: Hainan Giant Home Buyers Limited
Program: 74,785 sm distributed over a 19 level, class A office tower, a 20 level boutique hotel tower and a 3 level retail mall. Parking and Back of House is in a 2 level basement.
Location: Changbin West 1st. and Changhai Ave, Changliu District, Haikou, Hainan, China
Construction: concrete and steel composite frame, curtain wall.
Hainan, and particularly this part of Haikou, has a wonderful climate of tropical breezes, clean beaches and sparkling waves.The
architecture of RonchengBojun Towers captures these loved qualities expressing the movements of the waves at the nearby beaches with its curved glass curtain wall surfaces, and the intricately textured colored glazing. The concept demonstrates how a design can be intimately connected to its location by eliciting inspiration from its environment, climate, and culture.
The project is designed with international standards of quality of space and materials, energy efficiency and accessibility.